District Overview
Mountain Valley District (MVD) is aptly named because anywhere in our district, we are blessed with the view of one of six incredible mountain ranges, including the Bridger, Gallatin and the Absaroka mountains. The mountains and rivers are our Scouting playground, providing a place where boys and girls learn leadership skills, explore their abilities, expand their potential, make friends and have adventures. MVD has an active District program of three Camporees each year and activities like the Cub Scout Shoot, District Pinewood Derby, and Day Camp.
All of our Cub Scout Packs, Scouts, BSA Troops and Venturer Crews are open to boys and girls. Youth can join their age-appropriate program: Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, or the Fire or Police Explorer Posts. Adult Scouters find a welcoming community with like-minded parents on the importance of service, fitness and the wholesomeness of being outside. Scouting – with all of its adventures – is for the entire family
April Roundtable
High Adventure Camps & Camping PLUS District Elections
Thursday 4/3, 6:30 pm
First Security Bank Community Room, 2046 Cattail St.
We will discuss the ins and outs of high adventure activities, plus will hold District Elections. This is an important meeting to attend!
May Roundtable
District Volunteer Recognition – everyone is invited!
Thursday 5/1, 6:30 pm
First Security Bank Community Room, 2046 Cattail St.
View the April 2025 Newsletter.
Missed an issue? View 2024 Newsletters here.
This provides the basic resources Life Scouts will need when preparing to begin the process of working toward their Eagle Scout Rank. The Eagle Scout Checklist below will help Life Scouts stay on track on their path toward Eagle. If you have any questions contact Chris Sehy.
Scouts BSA temporary Eagle requirements. Check out this article regarding requirements for our new Scouts BSA youth. Click Here!
If you need a merit badge counselor application or help with anything else merit badge related, please email District Executive Renee Stephens.
Clear, routine communication is a key goal of the District. Make sure you get connected to MVD Scouting by email, texts, calendar, and the website.
Email is sent twice a month, approximately on the first and third Tuesday. Here are some steps to make sure you get these valuable emails:
Add to Safe List: Email is sent from Vertical Response – a marketing tool, so the “from” address will be “MVDMT315@gmail.com via vrmailer3.com“. Make sure to add this address to your safe list (it may be going to junk mail). The subject of emails will usually start with “MVD Scouting News”.
The email list is updated from files sent to us by Montana Council, but if you aren’t getting the emails, add your name and email below.
Remind Texts
You can receive MVD texts by signing up to REMIND. This is at no cost, and it does not put any applications on your phone. Reminders are sent before Roundtable, about other deadlines, and in the event of an emergency where the Scouting community may be able to help. Joining the REMIND network is easy.
- Type “81010” in the “TO” box of your text message.
- In the “MESSAGE” section, type the “@” symbol and the code for your interest: For general MVD messages or alerts = @scoutmvd
For MVD District Committee Business = @mvd315
Sign-up today! You can unsubscribe at any time. Any messages sent will also appear on our MVD home page in the widget.
When you sign-up, you will be asked to type in your name, and if you are a student, teacher, or parent. Say “P” for “parent”.
When you register to receive the MVD newsletter you will also be added to – if not already signed up for – the Montana council’s Montana Trails Newsletter.
Enter your name and email below to receive the Mountain Valley District newsletter.
District contact directory
Tina O'Donnell
scouts@tinaodonnell.com 406-580-8814
Katie Daughenbaugh
kdaughenbaugh@gmail.com 406-570-4146
Renee Stephens
renee.stephens@scouting.org 406-585-0272

Scouting Nurtures Compassion and Civic Engagement
Picture this scene: you drive into the parking lot of your local grocery store, and after circling for a bit,
Training Much of the training is on-line, but if you like live training, we may be able to offer that too! The best way to find training is to look at the MVD Calendar. The courses for outdoor training, which include Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills, BALOO, and Wilderness First Aid, are only taught once each year. If you need these classes, sign up as early as possible and mark your calendar!
Many training courses are also online. Some classes, such as Youth Protection Training (required annually) and Hazardous Weather (required every 2-years), can only be taken online. You will need to create an account or sign into your account on MyScouting.org.
Remember, if you need training at your site, you can always ask! Fill out the HELP form and let us help.
Thank you for being part of Scouting!
Greg Ellsworth
(406) 600-3895
Training Help With anything Form
Useful Forms & Documents
BSA Health Forms
Depending on the activity, Scouts and Leaders need either a part A & B, or also a part C. Ask your Unit Leader if you have questions.
BSA Resources
This is the site you use to access training, and also enter information like service hours for your unit.
Guide to Safe Scouting (Scouting Safely)
The Guide to Safe Scouting and other important safety material.
Cub Hub
Training, recruiting, and all things Cub Scouts are here at the Cub Hub.
Cub Scout BSA Home
One entry point for leaders to access Committee, Den, Pack, Parent, and other resources.
This is the national online BSA store. The Bozeman Trading Post can order anything on this site, and you will not have to pay for shipping.
Lifesaving Award
This is the form to complete to submit a Scout or Scouter for the lifesaving award.