Support Scouting

Investment in Character & Leadership
The youth and volunteers of the Montana Council invite you to make an investment in Scouting. Each dollar you invest will help send Scouts to camp, support at-risk youth, and provide our volunteer leaders with the tools and resources needed to ensure our children benefit from a safe, high-quality program.
Invest in the future of Scouting and become a member of the Heritage Society.
To ensure that Scouting grows and continues to be a thriving force in shaping tomorrow’s leaders today, the Montana Council has embarked on an aggressive endowment program calling for 20-25 percent of its annual operating budget to come from endowment investments, where the principle remains untouched. In order to achieve this goal, the Scouts must build their endowment fund to $50 million.
You can help! Invest in the future of Scouting and become a member of the Heritage Society. Rest assured that your gift remains intact and that only the interest from the investment is used to promote and fund existing Scouting programs, thereby building a legacy for future generations. Gifts — large or small — can consist of cash, securities, a planned gift through your Will, add a codicil (amendment) to your Will, or consider a dozen other methods. Please consult your attorney or financial advisor.
James E. West Fellowship Award
Named after the first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America, supporters who contribute $1,000 to $25,000 in cash or securities receive a James E. West lapel pin, a personalized certificate and leader knot.
Heritage Society
For donors who make an outright gift of $10,000 to $25,000, or a deferred gift of $25,000 to $100,000.
Second Century Society
For donors who make an outright of $25,000 or more, or a deferred gift of $100,000 or more.
Second Century Society Application
The Montana Council has a Memorial/Tribute Fund established for its Scouters and supporters to make living and lasting tax-deductible contributions to the Scouting program. Contributions may be made for any amount as a living memorial or lasting tribute to a departed relative or in honor of someone. Condolences, recognition or congratulations may be expressed through the use of the Memorial/Tribute Fund, when material gifts or remembrances may not be desirable or appropriate. Upon receipt of a contribution, the Council will mail a nice card to the family or group in whose memory or honor the gift is made and send an acknowledgment to you.
Your bequest gift in your will can make a real difference in the financial future of the Council and the other organizations that are important to you and your family.
Whether you are married, single, widowed or divorced, you need a will. In many cases, it has nothing to do with how large or small your estate may be. Without a will, your estate will not be distributed to those family members and organizations that you care about. The state of Montana will decide who gets your assets, and probably keep a sizable chunk of it for itself. Without a will, the state can also decide who takes care of your young children when you are gone.
Without a will, your family and friends will suffer, but so will your church, your schools and Scouting. Your bequest gift can make a real difference in the financial future of the Council and the other organizations that are important to you and your family.
You can help! Invest in the future of Scouting and become a member of the Heritage Society. Rest assured that your gift remains intact and that only the interest from the investment is used to promote and fund existing Scouting programs, thereby building a legacy for future generations. Gifts — large or small — can consist of cash, securities, a planned gift through your Will, add a codicil (amendment) to your Will, or consider a dozen other methods. Please consult your attorney or financial advisor.
Call Jory Dellinger at 406-926-1810 for more information on the importance of a will or trust and what it can mean to you. You spent a lifetime building your estate now it is time to take a few minutes to protect that estate.
Do you have a boat, RV, or vehicle you’d consider donating to help the Boy Scouts?
Donate a vehicle, and we’ll sell it at auction. The proceeds will go to the BSA council of your choice.
If you have additional questions, contact Jory Dellinger at 406-926-1810 or to start the donation process.
Donation Advantages:
- The process is simple.
- Eliminate broker fees, advertising, and berthing.
- Your donation is tax-deductible and supports thousands of local Scouts across Montana.
- We will arrange everything, including tax documentation.
We take all types and sizes of vehicles, RVs, and boats. (Please note all donations are subject to approval.)
Support Montana Scouting by participating in and/or donating to one of our many events.
We host golf tournaments, sporting clay shoots, fishing adventures and specialty local engagement events. These events are led by volunteers with staff support. Come enjoy a fun event in support of Scouting.
Join us for an upcoming Golf Tournament — golf, camaraderie, food, fun and fellowship are hallmarks of our tournaments, whether you are new to golf or have played for years.
Learn More
Often referred to as “Golf with a Shotgun,” our annual Sporting Clays for Scouting event should not be missed. Opportunities exist for novice to expert shooters.
There is something about Scouts, Scouters and patches. If you are a collector or simply enjoy some dynamic art, check out our collectible patch program to help support Scouting in Montana.
The Montana Experience is a Fly Fishing Adventure/fundraiser to support the Montana Council. It takes place annually in September at the Madison Valley Ranch in Ennis, Montana. Participants spend three nights and two days of Premier Fly Fishing on the Madison River.