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The Power of Outdoor Adventure

Cub scouts hiking on an outdoor adventure.

From the beginning, Scouting has used the great outdoors to build resilience and character in young people. Scouts learn teamwork and overcome challenges through activities like hiking and camping. From building a fire in harsh weather to employing teamwork to navigate a rough trail, outdoor character-building adventures are a hallmark of the Scouting experience. In a sprawling state like Montana, the opportunities for adventure are endless.

“We are not a club or a Sunday school class, but a school of the woods,” said Robert Baden-Powell, founder of Scouting.

For Scouts, the outside world is one giant classroom, and their adventures serve as a textbook filled with valuable lessons. It’s said that Scouting is, “fun with a purpose.” These experiences shape a Scout’s growth journey, offering countless physical and mental benefits that last a lifetime.

Good for the Mind, Body, and Personal Growth

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates the average American spends about 90% of their time indoors. For children and teens, that means spending up to nine hours a day on their phones, watching YouTube videos or scrolling social media.

Scouting encourages young people to unplug and connect with nature, gaining valuable benefits along the way.

Girls on an outdoor adventure, ice fishing on a lake.

Enhancing Focus, Confidence, and Social Skills

Scouting activities like canoeing and backpacking help boost focus by requiring concentration and problem-solving in new environments. It also allows them to connect with other kids, helping them build important social skills. 

“There is a room and a place in Scouts for everyone,” said Montana Eagle Scout John Kelly. And you’ll be surprised at the friends you make along the way.

Spending time in nature fosters self-confidence by challenging youth to step out of their comfort zones and trust their abilities in difficult situations. This can mean braving a snowstorm at high elevation or finding their way on a difficult trail. Through outdoor adventures, Scouts build the mental fortitude that prepares them for life’s many uncertainties.

Two girls on an outdoor adventure, riding their bikes through the grass.

There are also physical benefits to outdoor activity. Hiking, fishing, canoeing, and biking build stamina and endurance, helping Scouts thrive in physically demanding activities. As countless studies have shown, it’s more important than ever for young people to experience outdoor adventure, exercise in nature, unplug from their phones, and enjoy plenty of sunshine.

Given these benefits, it’s no surprise that the Scouting America, Montana Council takes full advantage of the state’s natural wonders. Whether it’s canoeing on the Clark Fork River or leading a hike through Glacier National Park, Scouting programs promote both physical and mental well-being through activities that encourage outdoor adventure, exercise, and personal growth.

Building Resilience

Resilience is our ability to adapt quickly to challenges and stress, emerging stronger than ever. Scouts learn this trait early on as outdoor adventures present challenges. These challenges can take shape in many ways, like navigating a river during a canoeing trip or working together to set up camp in some remote backcountry.

Scouts on an outdoor adventure, whitewater rafting together through the mountains.

A powerful example of resilience is Donn Fendler, a 12-year-old Scout who spent 9 days alone in the wilderness — with no supplies—after getting separated from his hiking group. Using the skills he learned in Scouting, Fendler was able to persevere and survive. He turned his story into an inspiring book, which was recently adapted into a movie produced by Sylvester Stallone.

By confronting obstacles head-on, Scouts learn to assess situations, find solutions, and keep going, as Fendler’s story and many others like his have shown. In Scouting, every outdoor adventure is not just an exploration of nature, but a journey toward personal growth and strength.

Are you ready to grow as a leader, build resilience, and experience the transformative experience of the great outdoors? Then let the Scouting America, Montana Council guide the way! Contact us today!
