2026 National Scout Jamboree
July 18 – July 31, 2026

ELEVATE your Scouting experience at the 2026 National Scout Jamboree!!
Join Montana Council at the 2026 National Scout Jamboree at Summit Bechtel in Glen Jean, WV! With your Troop of 20 Scouts and Leaders, you’ll get the opportunity to experience the Summit for nine days with 30,000 other Scouts from across the country!
Montana Council contingent is also planning a great pre-tour in New York City and Washington DC, visiting some of our Nation’s most prestigious sights and monuments including:
- The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island
- The World Trade Center 9/11 Memorial
- Arlington National Cemetery
- Washington and Lincoln Memorials
- The Capital Building and many more!!
Troops will depart from Bozeman, MT on July 18, 2026, for 5 days of pre-tour, arriving at the Summit on July 22, 202,6 for an experience like no other, before returning home on July 31, 2026
To read more about this awesome trip to register for the Jamboree, visit the Montana Council website or the following link:
The total cost for this experience is $4750 and includes airfare, hotels, and meals during pre-touring, Jamboree costs, required Troop gear, and some great swag to keep or trade with your fellow Scouts while at Jamboree!
A $350 deposit is due upon registration and is non-refundable after April 30, 2025.
Visit the official National Jamboree 2026 event page for additional information about Summit Bechtel and the awesome activities that Jamboree can offer.
If there are additional questions, please contact the Montana Council Jamboree Coordination Team at jamboree@scoutingmontana.org.
We hope to see you at Jamboree 2026!!