Dear Scouts and Scouters,
My name is Elaine R. As this year’s National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) Senior Patrol Leader, I would like to invite you to attend this year’s course. NYLT is an enriching experience that prepares young people to be successful leaders.
For me, the experience made me more confident in myself and my public speaking abilities. It gave me the tools I needed to become a great leader for my troop and an asset to my community.
I went to NYLT the first year I joined Scouting and, at first, I was not sure if I wanted to go. I had no idea what the program was about or why I should attend. In my mind “National Youth Leadership Training” sounded like a very long and boring week of dull conversations and lectures, which couldn’t be farther from what NYLT is.
If you’re not sure what NYLT is about or if it is something you’re interested in, let me fill you in.
The camp week is full of hands-on activities and fun games that allow participants to grow together and grow as leaders. The program teaches communication skills, goal and vision setting, conflict resolution, servant leadership, and self-leadership. The course teaches skills that are rarely “taught” in other learning environments like school.
I went to NYLT as a very shy girl and a follower. Throughout the camp week and in the following years I grew into a confident young lady and a bold leader. I met new people and made lifetime friends that I am immensely thankful for.

One memory that sticks out in my mind from my experience was working together with my patrol to build a swing as a pioneer project. Over the week, not only was it nice to have an extra place to sit, but we even got our whole patrol to fit on the swing!
NYLT is my favorite activity that I have participated in during my Scouting career, and I would not trade the enriching experience for anything. I think it is an opportunity that should be available to everyone, not just Scouts, because of the benefits to be gleaned from it.
If you are wondering if you should go to NYLT, my word of wisdom is to do it, you won’t regret it. To apply for this year’s NYLT course, visit the NYLT section of our website.
Participant selection begins March 15th and will be ongoing until the Course is full. Apply soon for priority consideration. Be a stronger leader in your troop and better prepared to lead in the future, I look forward to meeting you at NYLT.
Yours in Scouting,
Elaine R.
Eagle Scout, Troop 1941G, Columbia Falls